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1 August 2008

My Book: I gradually veer towards impassioned writing...

If ‘writing is thinking’ than I believe that what we write must necessarily flow from our subconscious.

In my opinion, this by far is the most effective strategy that distinguishes good from great writers. People often make the mistake of assuming that a wry, clinically detached style is most appropriate for non fiction writing. Not necessarily. In fact, keeping a tight leash on your emotions and not allowing your subconscious to spill into your writing can be the greatest impediment to good writing.

In my opinion and in my experience of reading good writers, a good writer must adopt the premise: my subconscious, right or wrong. Writing from the gut is a sure recipe for a great piece of writing.
In an interview with the Globe in Cambridge, Nobel laureate Mexican poet Octavio Paz, quoted French poet Baudelaire to describe his view of literary and political criticism: "If a writer's criticism is to be good, it must be passionate. Any criticism must be partial. Impartial criticism is for academics."
No doubt Paz was hailed by the Swedish Academy "for impassioned writing with wide horizons, characterized by sensuous intelligence and humanistic integrity." (Press release, the Nobel Prize in Literature, 1990,

29 July 2008

Regular Meals Reduce Risk of Metabolic Syndrome

People who eat at irregular times run a greater risk of developing insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, a condition which includes multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

The chances of developing the components of the syndrome, such as abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and glucose intolerance, are affected by several lifestyle factors, of which diet is thought to be one of the most important.

Researchers have now shown for the first time that the frequency of meals, regardless of their content, affects the chances of developing metabolic syndrome. The study was based on a survey and medical examination of over four thousand 60-year old men and women.


* Science Daily July 24, 2008
