The sunshine vitamin beams in the health news spotlight with mega health benefits.

By Deborah Tukua,
Sunshine on his shoulders made John Denver so happy he sang its praises. When you read all the health benefits that keep vitamin D beaming in the health news spotlight, you should be singing its praises too. A friend recently told me how much more energetic and happy she feels now that she’s spending time sunbathing outside this summer. My friend, Valerie also said, “I finally came to realize that the sun is natural. It’s there for our wellbeing.” Why was this fact something Valerie just recently accepted? Because like most consumers, she’s listened to the barrage of beauty and skin experts advise us for years to totally ban sun exposure. We are advised to slather on sunblock, sunglasses, hats and gear every time we step outside, as though we’re entering a toxic zone. Fortunately, there are health professionals willing to speak the truth despite current mainstream trends.
A rise in malignant melanomas in the US heightened the scare of sun exposure in the 1970s and ‘80s. It was assumed that skin cancers were the result of over exposure to UVB rays from the sun. However, we have since learned that, “Skin cancer is also caused by UVA rays, which most sun blocks don’t block. Thus, by making people vitamin D deficient, they inadvertently increased people’s risk of developing all forms of skin cancer, including the deadly malignant melanoma,” states Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, author of the Blaylock Wellness Report.
What is vitamin D and its Benefits
Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a hormone. It is produced in the body almost exclusively by exposure to the sun and is essential to our well-being. Since most foods are poor sources, sunshine is our best source for obtaining vitamin D. “Just 30 minutes of direct sunlight produces up to 50,000 IU of vitamin D,” Dr. Blaylock advises.”
Not convinced to roll up your sleeves and soak up 30 minutes of sun per day? Consider these facts:
Decreases Risk of Colon Cancer and Increases Survival Rates of Colon Cancer Patients - High levels of vitamin D decreased the risk of getting colon cancer by 51%. Colon cancer patients with high blood levels of vitamin D boost their survival odds by 48%, according to a recent study.
Vitamin D Deficiency – increases the chances of developing Type-2 diabetes, osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, bone fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Studies are being conducted to determine if Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are also linked with vitamin D insufficiency. People suffering with low levels of vitamin D3 are more prone to experience depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, suicidal or criminal behavior, which are all linked to chronic brain inflammation.
Stops Skin Cancer from Developing into Melanoma - Vitamin D is reported in women to inhibit or stop cell growth in non-melanoma skin cancers from developing into melanoma.
Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer and Osteoarthritis – Vitamin D is important in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis. Canadian researchers reported that women who spent the most time in the sun in their teen years are 29% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who spent an hour outdoors daily.
Low vitamin D Levels during Pregnancy Linked to Vaginal Infection - The likelihood of developing bacterial vaginosis, a vaginal infection, during pregnancy has been reported to increase in women with low levels of vitamin D. In a study, women in the group with the lowest levels of vitamin D were 65% more likely to have BV. BV infection can cause low birth weight or premature birth in babies.
Baby’s Bone Health from Mom’s Sun Exposure - Mothers’ vitamin D levels during pregnancy may affect their children’s bone health into old age as UK researchers found that women receiving sun during the last trimester of pregnancy have children with larger, stronger bones.
Healthy Bones and Teeth - Vitamin D is essential for the normal development and growth of teeth and bones in children. Deficient levels of vitamin D in children can cause osteomalacia and rickets.
Boosts Testosterone - Sufficient vitamin D boosts testosterone levels and possibly sex drives in men. As vitamin D levels increase in the summer, in response to the body’s exposure to sunlight, so did testosterone levels in men according to a recent study.
Reduces Chances of Heart Problems or Stroke - Men taking at least 600 IU of vitamin D were reported to be 16% less apt to develop heart problems or stroke than men taking less than 100 IU. The study, which followed nearly 119,000 adults for two decades and was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that men who got at least 600 IU of vitamin D per day, the current recommended amount, were 16 percent less likely to develop heart problems or stroke than men who got less than 100 IUD per day.
VITAMIN D FOOD SOURCES – eggs, cod liver oil, alfalfa,sweet potatoes, salmon, oatmeal, butter, and dairy products
VITAMIN D AND HEALTH– Meet our chiropractic expert this week.
Dr. Kevin Lau, D.C., a graduate in Doctor of Chiropractic from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia and Masters in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health in USA. He is a member of the Chiropractic Association of Australia. Dr Kevin Lau D.C. is the founder of Health In Your Hands, a series of tools for Scoliosis prevention and treatment. He has been interviewed on Primetime Channel News Asia as well as other TV and Radio. The following is an excerpt from Dr. Lau’s book, Your Plan for Natural Scoliosis Prevention and Treatment. Used by permission of the author.
“Diet has a significant impact on how vitamin D works in the body. Protein is necessary for bone and muscle mass maintenance, and magnesium, along with omega-3 fats, slow bone turnover. Green leafy vegetables are essential for bone and muscle health and balancing the acid-base in the body. Acidosis-stimulating foods such as cheese, salt and grains drain calcium, magnesium, and protein from bones and muscles, and work against vitamin D.”
“With the typical American diet being high in acid-producing foods and low in greens and other vegetables, it is no wonder that the leading cause of disabilities in our population are diseases involving muscle, bone, and joints; lower back pain is the number one cause. Cases of osteoarthritis, gout, and pseudogout, even strength and coordination issues, can all be linked to low levels of vitamin D, and are improved when these levels are raised to within normal ranges.”
“Unfortunately, chronic levels of vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight, and it may take months of supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body’s bones and nervous system. Before considering supplementation with vitamin D, it would be wise to have your vitamin D3 level tested. This is best done from a nutritionally oriented physician. Optimize your vitamin D levels only with the help of a trained health care professional. Ideally, the best place to get vitamin D is from your skin being exposed to the UV-B that is in normal sunlight.”
Taking a vitamin D3 supplement daily or preferably lying in the sun several days a week will have the greatest positive impact on your health when it is in conjunction with a diet rich in alkaline foods, minerals, healthy fats, green leafy vegetables, and alfalfa. Always have your vitamin D blood levels tested before supplementing. Chiropractic care when combined with a balanced diet and exercise, work toward achieving optimal bone, body and muscle function and health. An evaluation by a chiropractor will reveal the current condition of your spine, bones, muscles and nervous system and thus, establish the proper course toward personal wellness. Regular chiropractic adjustments assist your body in healing itself naturally and help maintain improved health.
Sunshine on his shoulders made John Denver so happy he sang its praises. When you read all the health benefits that keep vitamin D beaming in the health news spotlight, you should be singing its praises too. A friend recently told me how much more energetic and happy she feels now that she’s spending time sunbathing outside this summer. My friend, Valerie also said, “I finally came to realize that the sun is natural. It’s there for our wellbeing.” Why was this fact something Valerie just recently accepted? Because like most consumers, she’s listened to the barrage of beauty and skin experts advise us for years to totally ban sun exposure. We are advised to slather on sunblock, sunglasses, hats and gear every time we step outside, as though we’re entering a toxic zone. Fortunately, there are health professionals willing to speak the truth despite current mainstream trends.
A rise in malignant melanomas in the US heightened the scare of sun exposure in the 1970s and ‘80s. It was assumed that skin cancers were the result of over exposure to UVB rays from the sun. However, we have since learned that, “Skin cancer is also caused by UVA rays, which most sun blocks don’t block. Thus, by making people vitamin D deficient, they inadvertently increased people’s risk of developing all forms of skin cancer, including the deadly malignant melanoma,” states Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, author of the Blaylock Wellness Report.
What is vitamin D and its Benefits
Vitamin D is both a vitamin and a hormone. It is produced in the body almost exclusively by exposure to the sun and is essential to our well-being. Since most foods are poor sources, sunshine is our best source for obtaining vitamin D. “Just 30 minutes of direct sunlight produces up to 50,000 IU of vitamin D,” Dr. Blaylock advises.”
Not convinced to roll up your sleeves and soak up 30 minutes of sun per day? Consider these facts:
Decreases Risk of Colon Cancer and Increases Survival Rates of Colon Cancer Patients - High levels of vitamin D decreased the risk of getting colon cancer by 51%. Colon cancer patients with high blood levels of vitamin D boost their survival odds by 48%, according to a recent study.
Vitamin D Deficiency – increases the chances of developing Type-2 diabetes, osteopenia, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, bone fractures, common cancers, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases. Studies are being conducted to determine if Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are also linked with vitamin D insufficiency. People suffering with low levels of vitamin D3 are more prone to experience depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, suicidal or criminal behavior, which are all linked to chronic brain inflammation.
Stops Skin Cancer from Developing into Melanoma - Vitamin D is reported in women to inhibit or stop cell growth in non-melanoma skin cancers from developing into melanoma.
Reduces Risk of Breast Cancer and Osteoarthritis – Vitamin D is important in the prevention and treatment of breast cancer, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis. Canadian researchers reported that women who spent the most time in the sun in their teen years are 29% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who spent an hour outdoors daily.
Low vitamin D Levels during Pregnancy Linked to Vaginal Infection - The likelihood of developing bacterial vaginosis, a vaginal infection, during pregnancy has been reported to increase in women with low levels of vitamin D. In a study, women in the group with the lowest levels of vitamin D were 65% more likely to have BV. BV infection can cause low birth weight or premature birth in babies.
Baby’s Bone Health from Mom’s Sun Exposure - Mothers’ vitamin D levels during pregnancy may affect their children’s bone health into old age as UK researchers found that women receiving sun during the last trimester of pregnancy have children with larger, stronger bones.
Healthy Bones and Teeth - Vitamin D is essential for the normal development and growth of teeth and bones in children. Deficient levels of vitamin D in children can cause osteomalacia and rickets.
Boosts Testosterone - Sufficient vitamin D boosts testosterone levels and possibly sex drives in men. As vitamin D levels increase in the summer, in response to the body’s exposure to sunlight, so did testosterone levels in men according to a recent study.
Reduces Chances of Heart Problems or Stroke - Men taking at least 600 IU of vitamin D were reported to be 16% less apt to develop heart problems or stroke than men taking less than 100 IU. The study, which followed nearly 119,000 adults for two decades and was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that men who got at least 600 IU of vitamin D per day, the current recommended amount, were 16 percent less likely to develop heart problems or stroke than men who got less than 100 IUD per day.
VITAMIN D FOOD SOURCES – eggs, cod liver oil, alfalfa,sweet potatoes, salmon, oatmeal, butter, and dairy products
VITAMIN D AND HEALTH– Meet our chiropractic expert this week.
Dr. Kevin Lau, D.C., a graduate in Doctor of Chiropractic from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia and Masters in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health in USA. He is a member of the Chiropractic Association of Australia. Dr Kevin Lau D.C. is the founder of Health In Your Hands, a series of tools for Scoliosis prevention and treatment. He has been interviewed on Primetime Channel News Asia as well as other TV and Radio. The following is an excerpt from Dr. Lau’s book, Your Plan for Natural Scoliosis Prevention and Treatment. Used by permission of the author.
“Diet has a significant impact on how vitamin D works in the body. Protein is necessary for bone and muscle mass maintenance, and magnesium, along with omega-3 fats, slow bone turnover. Green leafy vegetables are essential for bone and muscle health and balancing the acid-base in the body. Acidosis-stimulating foods such as cheese, salt and grains drain calcium, magnesium, and protein from bones and muscles, and work against vitamin D.”
“With the typical American diet being high in acid-producing foods and low in greens and other vegetables, it is no wonder that the leading cause of disabilities in our population are diseases involving muscle, bone, and joints; lower back pain is the number one cause. Cases of osteoarthritis, gout, and pseudogout, even strength and coordination issues, can all be linked to low levels of vitamin D, and are improved when these levels are raised to within normal ranges.”
“Unfortunately, chronic levels of vitamin D deficiency cannot be reversed overnight, and it may take months of supplementation and sunlight exposure to rebuild the body’s bones and nervous system. Before considering supplementation with vitamin D, it would be wise to have your vitamin D3 level tested. This is best done from a nutritionally oriented physician. Optimize your vitamin D levels only with the help of a trained health care professional. Ideally, the best place to get vitamin D is from your skin being exposed to the UV-B that is in normal sunlight.”
Taking a vitamin D3 supplement daily or preferably lying in the sun several days a week will have the greatest positive impact on your health when it is in conjunction with a diet rich in alkaline foods, minerals, healthy fats, green leafy vegetables, and alfalfa. Always have your vitamin D blood levels tested before supplementing. Chiropractic care when combined with a balanced diet and exercise, work toward achieving optimal bone, body and muscle function and health. An evaluation by a chiropractor will reveal the current condition of your spine, bones, muscles and nervous system and thus, establish the proper course toward personal wellness. Regular chiropractic adjustments assist your body in healing itself naturally and help maintain improved health.
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